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An analysis of students’ speaking
ability teaching in using the picture at the Seventh Grade of SMP Nurul Iman
Labuhan Maringgai Lampung Timur Academic Years 2010-2011
students’ strategies in composing narrative
A descriptive analysis of learning
motivation taken from Laskar Pelangi novel
simbol raksasa dalam kumpulan dongeng yang berjudul “ Phantastische Märchen”
karya Helga Gebert
A descriptive study of indonesian-
english code mixing used in Gaul Magazine
naratif novel metemorfosis cinta karya Wahyu Nur Hidayat Al-Aly
Developing the students ability in
writing recount text through guiding questions technique at the second year
students of SMPN 1 Terbanggi Besar Lampung Tengah
media CD interaktif Grammatik: Lernen Per Maus Klick untuk pembelajaran
bahasa Jerman di kelas X SMA Laboratorium Universitas Negeri Malang
Manajemen siaran musik stasiun radio
Rem FM di Universitas Negeri Semarang
dalam fenomena Trans pada kesenian Barongan di Desa Berbak
The use of beauty and the beast
illustrated version as narrative reading material (an experimental study at
eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Mungkid)
expressions of the main characters’ love in Thomas Hardy’s novel the return
of the native (psychological approach)
Kehidupan anak-anak jalanan sebagai
sumber inspirasi dalam karya seni lukis
influence of pronunciation toward speaking ability of the eleventh grade
students of MA Musthofawiyah Nguruan Soko Tuban
Identifikasi bentuk dan makna kata
ulang bahasa sasak dialek Ngeno-Ngenedi Desa Anjani
awal karir Jeanne Moreau dalam makna Kontekstual
Dua naskah drama Wisran Hadi: Cindua
Mato dan Dara Jingga (kajian intertekstual)
Students Speaking Ability Through Picture of Flash Card at The Sixth Years of
SDN 2 Sabah Balau Bandar Lampung
Teaching Descriptive Paragraph Writing
Through Comic Strips at The First Semester of The Eighth Grade of MTSN Model
Talang Padang Tanggamus
diksi dalam novel keberangkatan karya NH. Dini dan keterpahamannya oleh siswa
kelas X SMK Ganesa Cicantayan Kabupaten Sukabumi
Kemampuan menyusun paragraf siswa
kelas III SMU Negeri I Pomalaa
unsur-unsur religi terhadap novel Syahadat Cinta karya Taufiqurrahman Al
Tindak tutur ilokusi dalam wacana
komik di majalah Annida
struktural dalam roman La Gloire De Mon Père karya Marcel Pagnol
Developing the students’ ability in
writing recount text through guiding questions technique at the second year
students of SMPN 1 Terbanggi Besar Lampung Tengah
influence the of main characters’ conflicts toward plot in oscar wilde’s “the
importance of being earnest”
An error analysis on the use of simple
present tense among the ninth year students of SMPN 3 Pare in 2007-2008
analysis of the main character’s hatred depicted in sandra brown’s novel
where there’s smoke
A comparative study between english
and indonesia adverbs
Reading songs and games to the eight year students of SMP Brawijaya Kecamatan
Kepung Kabupaten Kediri
Effects of pre-questioning on the
reading comprehension achievement of the second grade students at SMAN2 Jekan
Raya in academic year 2006/2007
Makna Implisit Pada Novel Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban Karya J.
K. Rowling Dan Terjemahannya
An analysis of the main character’s
hatred depicted in sandra brown’s novel where there’s smoke
influence the of main characters’ conflicts toward plot in oscar wilde’s “The
Importance of Being Earnest”
An analysis of students’ speaking
ability teaching in using the picture at the Seventh Grade of SMP Nurul Iman
Labuhan Maringgai Lampung Timur Academic Years 2010-2011
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